Sunday Service Times
8:00 & 11:30 am Traditional Worship in the South Building
9:00 & 10:30 am Contemporary Worship in the North Building
**Note that Communion is celebrated at all Worship times on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. Communion is also celebrated every Sunday during 11:30 am Worship.
Sunday Livestream Services
8:00 am Traditional
10:30 am Contemporary
9:00 & 10:30 am Contemporary Worship in the North Building
**Note that Communion is celebrated at all Worship times on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. Communion is also celebrated every Sunday during 11:30 am Worship.
Sunday Livestream Services
8:00 am Traditional
10:30 am Contemporary
Midweek Special Services

**March 12 Lenten Services at 12:30 pm/6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
**March 19 Lenten Services at 12:30 pm/6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
March 26 Night of Prayer 12:30 pm/6:30 pm in the Worship Center
**April 2 Lenten Services at 12:30 pm/6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
**April 9 Lenten Services at 12:30 pm/6:30 pm in the Sanctuary
**Livestream will be available at 6:30 pm.
Connect With Us!
(480) 895-6782
(480) 895-6782
Administration Building
23714 S. Alma School Rd.
South Building
23914 S. Alma School Rd.
North Building
23620 S. Alma School Rd.
23714 S. Alma School Rd.
South Building
23914 S. Alma School Rd.
North Building
23620 S. Alma School Rd.