New Here?
below are some next step options...

The On-Ramp
(New Member Class)

Are you interested in learning more about Risen Savior? Ready to make us your church home? Then this is the class for you! You will learn about Risen Savior, what makes a Lutheran unique and more! There are five session classes and then dinner with the Pastor.  Contact the Church Office at with any questions or to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday Worship

Sunday Services
8:00 & 11:30 am Traditional Worship
 held in the Sanctuary
9:00 & 10:30 am Contemporary Worship
held in the Worship Center
 **Note that Communion is celebrated at all Worship times on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays. Communion is also celebrated every Sunday during 11:30 am Worship.
Sunday Livestreamed Services:
8:00 am Traditional
10:30 am Contemporary


Are you someone who has “Big” questions about church and God?  Who is Jesus? Why and how do I pray? This study is geared towards the unchurched or VERY new to attending church. This study is offered a few times a year.  If you or someone you know are interested in attending, email to be added to the contact list.

Have Kids?



There is plenty of parking available at all three of our buildings.  We have permission from Safeway, near the North Building, to use their parking lot for overflow when needed.  We do ask that if you are able, to leave front parking spots open for those with mobility issues.

What to Wear

We want everyone to be comfortable on Sunday.  We have members who wear everything from polo shirts, dress pants, suits, flip flops or shorts.  Please know that you are welcomed as you are!

Assistance Available

Listening System - Hearing enhancement devices are available at all services. You can obtain one by asking an usher to direct you to one of our Service Team Leaders.
To/From Worship - Walkers are available should you need assistance getting to/from the parking lot at each worship service.  If you need help, please see a Service Team Leader.
Lost and Found - Our lost and found is located at the Welcome Center in the Narthex and Lobby.


Nursery care for those under three years old is offered each Sunday morning in the North Building. We provide a safe, warm & welcoming atmosphere to all those who enter our doors. Our nursery opens 15 minutes before service begins.

Children & Youth

When you arrive, look for our Kids Check-in table. All of our youth meet in the North Building. One of our volunteers can help you check-in and show you where their classroom is located.  Click here for more information.

Youth and Teen Youth Groups

Our Junior ages kids group is Ignite for grades 7/8 and our High School age group is Impact.  Our Junior High and High School Youth groups meet Sunday evenings. Click on the group name for more details.