The Governing Board is comprised of 9 members of the congregation that meet a minimum of 9 times a year. They represent the members of the congregation and are elected to three-year terms at the Annual Voters’ Meeting. They monitor the ministry of Risen Savior ensuring that our ministry is aligned with our Vision Frame, review and accept the financials, and supervise the Senior Pastor. They operate under a formal Policy Manual which is reviewed annually, this allow for the Board to make consistent decisions even when members of the Board change.
David Nolte, President
Dick Meyer, Vice President
Kristina Winterstein, Treasurer
Roxanne Legreid , Secretary
Shari Beadle
Heather Kneip
Mike Swoverland
Jerry Mack
Bill Pennings
If you would like to contact a member of the Governing Board, please call the
Church Office at 480.895.6782 or email
David Nolte, President
Dick Meyer, Vice President
Kristina Winterstein, Treasurer
Roxanne Legreid , Secretary
Shari Beadle
Heather Kneip
Mike Swoverland
Jerry Mack
Bill Pennings
If you would like to contact a member of the Governing Board, please call the
Church Office at 480.895.6782 or email