RSLCS Foundation, Inc.

Established in 2010, RSLCS Foundation, Inc. is a 501c(3) organization that receives gifts and bequests in support of Risen Savior missions and ministries.
Gifts and bequests are managed and invested by professional money managers, preserving principal while earning interest, dividends and capital appreciation.  All funds are maintained separately and independently from all other Church funds.
Recently, the Foundation grants supported Risen Savior's Following Missions:
  • Our Risen Savior Children's Ministry Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a fun, learning experience designed to teach biblical principles. Children from the community and church participate in prayer and worship activities with others to develop a heart for service and a  willingness to help those in need.
  • The Ignite Youth Ministry attended the Jr High Church Camp "The Way the Truth the Light" at Tonto Rim Church Camp in Payson, AZ. Students engaged in acts of service and kindness, while applying biblical teachings on peace. Students also developed a deeper understanding of peace as a Christian concept.
  • Risen Savior High School students Impact Youth Ministry traveled to Colorado for a LCMS mission trip at Lutheran Valley Retreat where they learned to further connect their faith to serving community needs. Our youth expanded their leadership skills, sense of teamwork and awareness of social responsibility.
  • Ministry partner, Christian Outreach for Africa (COFA) is a U.S. based 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. For several years, Risen Savior has supported this organization's efforts to break the cycle of poverty in South Africa. Our Foundation's granted funds aligned to COFA orphanage programs.
  • The Foundation continues to offer support for a LCMS Seminary student, a member of Risen Savior.
 Approved grant distributions are made by the Foundation’s Board of Directors, all of whom are members of Risen Savior Church. If you have any additional questions or would like to speak with a board member, contact the Church Office at 480.895.6782.
 Every Gift MattersAs steward of your earthly God-given gifts and blessings, you may wish to include RSLCS Foundation in current financial planning, as well as a Beneficiary in your Estate Plan.*
Ways to Give
  • Gifts of cash, a heartfelt annual gift to bless Risen Savior Ministries
  • Contributing a portion of your IRA Required Minimum Distribution (RMD)
  •  A Charitable Gift Annuity
  •  Gifts and Bequests from Wills and Trusts; a specific dollar amount, or gifting a percent of your estate’s value or specifying a particular asset as the source
  •  Gifts of–Real Estate, Stocks or Bonds, Life Insurance
 *RSLCS Foundation does not provide legal or tax advice. Please consult with your legal counsel and tax advisor to ensure your Will and Trust are up-to-date and gift decisions are tax-wise.

 RSLCS Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors
  • LeAnn Fekjan, President
  • Don Swoboda, Vice-President
  • Bill Giessing, Secretary/Treasurer
  • Mike Andrews
  • Gary Horkey
  • Mary Ellen Hayden
  • Michelle Zurcher
  • Angela Gloyd
  • Rev. Ron Burcham, Ex-officio